Tuesday 17 March 2015

Mental Health, The Experienced , The Studied And The Observed! ( PART 1 : DEPRESSION )

Hello Sugarpies , I hope everyone is well and are having a lovely week so far! :) Mental Health is a topic that for decades has been ignored, however I am glad that in recent years many people are finding the courage to speak up about their own personal experience with Mental Health. I thought I would share with you all my own experiences with Mental Health and what I have studied in Mental Health. I hope for those who are suffering with Mental Health but are afraid of seeking help or are unsure of what to do or where to go find my series of "Mental Health , The Experienced , The Studied And The Observed" helpful. I also hope it helps those who do not suffer with Mental Health to have more of an understanding.

This series of Mental Health is going to be split into 7 parts , and each condition/ illness I have experienced first hand and Still experiencing now .

This series includes:

. Anorexia / Eating Disorder and Laxative Bulimia

. Depression
. Anxiety 
. Social Phobia 
. Panic Attacks 
. Autism
. Self Harming  

I am going to start this series of with Depression. I myself suffer with Depression , I was first diagnosed with Depression when I was 9 years old and I  have had it for the past 12 years. People often mistake " Sadness and suffering with Depression" the same thing. Sadness is a short-term depressed mood but the individual is able to manage and cope with day to day life. The "Depressed mood" usually decreases within 1-2 weeks without any kind of treatment. If you are suffering with a depressed mood for longer than 2 weeks and you have not previously been diagnosed with Depression , It could be a possibility that you have developed Depression. Depression affects an individual physically , mentally and emotionally which prevents a person to function properly with day to day life. If this applies to you , there is no need to be scared of asking for help. It is important you inform your GP/ Doctor of how you are feeling , after all they are there to help you. A Doctor will usually refer you to a talking therapy such as , Psychotherapy , CBT ( Cognitive Behavioural Therapy ) or Counselling , which of course will all be confidential. Your Doctor may also suggest anti-depressants to help decrease your depressed mood and to help you function with day to day life. Anti-depressants are completely your choice of course , nobody can force you to take them.

Types Of Therapy Available ( For more information click the links below): 



Symptoms & Feelings That Someone With Depression Or Developing Depression May Experience:

. Feeling helpless and hopeless

. Being isolated 

. Loss of interest in everything ( Activities/ Hobbies , Work/ Schooling , Looking after hygiene and appearance , Social life)

. Sleep changes - Sleeping most of the day and night or lack or sleep ( Insomnia)  

. Changes in appetite ( Overeating or not eating enough )

. Lack of energy

. Anger and irritability

. Reckless behaviour 

. No concentration

. Self - loathing 

. Unexplained aches and pains 

Other resources to help with depression:

Exercise - Yes exercise! It helps decrease depression as exercise releases endorphins ( also known as a happy hormone ) into the bloodstream and helps the individual to relax. 

Self-helps groups - People suffering with depression may find it self-help groups useful to share their thoughts and feelings with people who are experiencing similar issues.

Diary - Keeping a diary or journal to write your thoughts and feelings can sometimes help with getting things of your chest but also keeping things private. 

Diet - Ensuring you have a healthy balanced diet is important.

Relaxation - Relaxation techniques such as yoga may possibly help decrease the symptoms of depression. 

Hobbies/ Activities -  Involving yourself in a hobby or activity could help increase your " happy mood" as you are being social with others and enjoying a hobby or activity.

Possible causes of Depression: 

. Life events

. Physical illness
. Personality 
. Alcohol or Drugs
. Genes
. Loss of a loved one 
. Bereavement 
. Financial troubles
. Bullying
. Abuse 
. Relationship troubles  

If you are someone suffering with depression or think you are suffering with depression there are many website available for support. 






If anyone feels reluctant to approach any of the websites above or  seek help from your GP/Doctor and even talk to a loved one,I am always here to listen and support anyone who needs it. If you would like to chat you can email me ( avaerinhornby@hotmail.co.uk) or contact me on my social networking accounts. You don't have just contact me if you are suffering with a Mental Health problem , anyone can contact with any issues they would like to talk about. I will always listen and try to help the best I can. I am here as a friend or just someone to talk to. 


 Thank you for reading and I hope this blog post is helpful :)

Instagram - xovintagewayoflifexo
Twitter -V_wayoflifexo
Facebook - Ava Clarice Hornby 

LoVe AvA



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